[20 Test Answers] FEMA IS-246: Implementing the Federal Priorities and Allocations System (FPAS)

Here are the FEMA test answers to IS-246: Implementing the Federal Priorities and Allocations System (FPAS).

Overview: The new FEMA IS-246 course was updated on January 3, 2024 to emphasize the critical role FPAS plays in support of FEMA’s mission. It also describes FPAS priority ratings, the placement of rated orders, the roles of FEMA employees in the FPAS process, and how to address FPAS challenges.

Primary audience: The FEMA IS-246 course is mandatory for FPAS Officers — FEMA personnel who are designated by FEMA management to fulfill FPAS Officer functions.

FEMA IS-246 test answers

Note: Each time this test is loaded, you will receive a unique set of questions and answers. The test questions are scrambled to protect the integrity of the exam.

Question 1. The FEMA program official is required to submit a report to the Office of Policy and Program Analysis on the use of DPAS priority ratings. This report must be submitted
A. Weekly
B. Annually
C. Quarterly✅
D. Daily

Question 2. The body of DPA regulations administered by the Department of Commerce is called the
A. Federal Priorities and Allocations System
B. Transportation Priorities and Allocations System
C. Commercial Priorities and Allocations System
D. Defense Priorities and Allocations System✅

Question 3. If a contractor cannot deliver items in the requested timeframe and rejects a rated order, the contractor must
A. Expand the plant to prevent future rejected rated orders
B. Locate an alternate contractor to fulfill the rated order
C. Abstain from bidding on FEMA contracts for 90 days
D. Offer the earliest possible delivery date(s)✅

Question 4. Executive Order 13603 delegates priority rating authority related to non-potable water resources to the _____
A. Department of Homeland Security
B. Department of Commerce
C. Department of Defense✅
D. Department of Agriculture

Question 5. DPAS priority ratings may be used for “industrial resources,” which include
A. Health supplies
B. Civil transportation
C. Construction materials for a construction project✅
D. Bottled water

Question 6. To acquire items or services with a rated order that fall outside DPAS jurisdiction over “industrial resources,” coordination is required through the:
A. Office of Policy and Program Analysis.
B. Prime contractor and the supply chain.✅
C. Department of Homeland Security.
D. FEMA Administrator.

Question 7. The FEMA program official is required to submit a report to the Office of Policy and Program Analysis on the use of DPAS priority ratings. This report must be submitted:
A. Weekly
B. Annually
C. Quarterly✅
D. Daily

Question 8. The prime contractor is generally required to take all of the following actions, EXCEPT
A. Fulfill FEMA’s rated orders before any other rated orders
B. Place rated orders with any subcontractors or suppliers✅
C. Provide preferential scheduling, as needed to achieve timely delivery
D. Accept a rated order if the contractor normally produces the item for sale

Question 9. Delegation of DPA Priorities Authority can be found in
A. BIS-999
B. DPAS Delegation 1
C. E.O. 13603 Section 201✅
D. DPA Section 101

Question 10. The FPAS Officer should promptly forward any unresolved questions or requests for Special Priorities Assistance to the
A. FEMA Administrator
B. Program official/head of the component
C. Lead FPAS Officer✅
D. Department of Commerce

Question 11. Who directs the use of priority ratings in support of DPAS Approved Programs?
A. FEMA program officials/heads of components.
B. Contracting Officers/Specialists.
C. Contracting Officer’s Technical Representatives.
D. DPAS Officers of component organizations.✅

Question 12. The DPAS Officer must coordinate with the Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative before contacting the:
A. Lead DPAS Officer.
B. FEMA program official/head of the component.
C. Office of Policy and Program Analysis.
D. Prime contractor.✅

Question 13. Special Priorities Assistance is required
A. For every contract or order with a priority rating
B. When a problem involving a DPA rule or regulation cannot be easily resolved in a timely manner✅
C. If the contract or order is initiated at the Headquarters level
D. Prior to the release of any solicitation

Question 14. Which of the following items or services are generally eligible for DPAS support?
A. Desks, chairs, and filing cabinets for a Disaster Recovery Center
B. Cots and blankets to help house survivors at a shelter during a declared emergency or disaster✅
C. Flashlights that are readily available at home improvement stores in the area
D. An employment contract with an engineering specialist

Question 15. In support of emergency preparedness, response, and recovery activities, DHS/FEMA can use priority ratings to guarantee the on-time performance of contracts and orders for all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Communications services
B. bottled water
C. generators
D. responder lodging services✅

Question 16. Who typically resolves problems or issues that arise after a DPAS-rated order has been placed?
A. DPAS Officer✅
B. Finance and Administration Section Chief
C. Office of General Counsel
D. FEMA Administrator

Question 17. Based on the direction of FEMA program officials, who places DPAS-rated orders?
A. The Lead DPAS Officer
B. Prime contractors and subcontractors
C. Contracting Officers/Specialists✅
D. Any FEMA employee

Question 18. Special Priorities Assistance can be used for all of the following before a rated order is placed, EXCEPT
A. To obtain a competitive or pricing advantage✅
B. To obtain priorities authority for organizations not covered under existing delegations of FPAS authority
C. For assistance in identifying potential suppliers for needed materials and services
D. To obtain priorities authority for resources not covered under existing delegations of FPAS authority

Question 19. FPAS Officers should engage in the following activities as required, EXCEPT
A. Provide information and training about the use of priority ratings in support of FEMA programs
B. Authorize the use of priority ratings to support the acquisition of items in compliance with appropriate regulation criteria✅
C. Review and validate requests for SPA to determine if they comply with FPAS criteria
D. Assist in the development and submission of requests for priority rating authority

Question 20. The Defense Production Act authorizes the President to require acceptance and priority performance of contracts and orders that are _____.
A. meant to maintain minimum federal stockpile levels
B. designed to stimulate the national economy
C. issued by federal agencies with a defense or emergency management mission✅
D. necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense

Other recurring FEMA courses

These courses currently have a “calendar-year” extension to allow FEMA staff to retake the course as a recurring requirement.