[26 Test Answers] FEMA IS-19: EEO Supervisor Course 2024

Here are the test answers to FEMA IS-19: EEO Supervisor Course 2024

Overview: The new FEMA IS-19.24 course was updated last January 4, 2024 to provide an overview of responsibilities in Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) for FEMA supervisors and strategies for handling equal rights issues and potential issues as they arise.

By the end of the FEMA IS-19.24 course, participants will be able to describe how diversity benefits FEMA, explain FEMA’s commitment to equal rights, recognize actions that constitute discrimination, identify laws that protect Federal employees, and describe the EEO complaint process.

FEMA IS-19.24 test answers

Note: Each time this test is loaded, you will receive a unique set of questions and answers. The test questions are scrambled to protect the integrity of the exam.

Question 1. A supervisor was interviewing a female applicant for a position that would require extensive out-of-town travel to rough areas. The supervisor commented that “as a woman,” she probably would have trouble with the travel “because it is dangerous.”
A. The supervisor should not have interviewed the woman for the job in the first place if it was too dangerous for a woman to do it.
B. The supervisor, after telling the woman of the job requirements and locations, should have allowed her to decide if she wanted the position.✅
C. The supervisor isn’t allowed to say anything about the danger of the territory, and should simply choose the best-qualified applicant for the job.
D. The supervisor was acting in accordance with FEMA’s safety policies in warning the woman that she wouldn’t want to travel to dangerous locations.

Question 2. One of your subordinate employees, Timothy, worked extra hours on Tuesday and Thursday so he could attend Ash Wednesday services at his church. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Timothy should have taken personal leave in order to miss work to attend religious services during his scheduled work time.
B. This situation is only problematic if a colleague complains about Timothy’s absence on Wednesday or is offended by the ashes on his forehead.
C. Supervisors can use individual discretion when deciding whether to allow a subordinate to adjust his work schedule for religious practices.
D. Permitting Timothy to make up time lost due to the observance of religious practices is a reasonable religious accommodation.✅

Question 3. Who is responsible for demonstrating the existence of unlawful discrimination by a preponderance of the evidence?
A. Supervisor
B. EEO Officer
C. FEMA Office of Equal Rights
D. Complainant✅

Question 4. According to the Age Discrimination and Employment Act, at what age does an employee fall into the age-protected class?
A. 39
B. 40✅
C. 50
D. 65

Question 5. Which statement below is false as it pertains to mediation (a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution)?
A. All employees who file an EEO complaint must go through mediation.✅
B. A trained neutral party such as an ADR Specialist conducts mediation.
C. Mediation can occur at various times during the EEO complaint process.
D. A mediator helps the parties work toward reaching a mutually acceptable resolution.

Question 6. Martha and Rose work in the same office and have worked on several projects together. Martha, a middle-aged African-American woman, was surprised when Rose, a young white woman, was given a supervisory position for which Martha thought she was more qualified. Rose has worked for FEMA for only a short time. In order to minimize the potential of a charge of age and/or race discrimination, Rose’s supervisor should:
A. Tell Martha she doesn’t have the right attitude and leadership skills to be a supervisor.
B. Tell Martha, she will be considered for the next supervisory opening.
C. Have records proving Rose was better qualified for the job.✅
D. Prepare statistics to show an increase in minority promotions over the past 5 years.

Question 7. If an employee feels he or she has been the victim of unlawful discrimination, that individual must initiate contact with an EEO Officer within how many days of the occurrence of the alleged discriminatory act?
A. 15 days
B. 45 days✅
C. 60 days
D. 90 days

Question 8. After receiving the Notice of Right To File a Discrimination Complaint, the Complainant has how many days to file a formal complaint?
A. 7 calendar days
B. 15 calendar days✅
C. 60 calendar days
D. 90 calendar days

Question 9. After the Complainant files a formal complaint, within how many calendar days must the EEO investigation be completed?
A. 30 days
B. 60 days
C. 90 days
D. 180 days✅

Question 10. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and ADA Amendments Act of 2008 protect persons with which of the following conditions?
B. Disorders from current illegal drug use
C. Pyromania
D. Compulsive gambling

Question 11. Tom, a supervisor, calls a team meeting and asks Mary, the only woman on the team, to take notes and make copies of a memo for team members who are her peers. In previous meetings, he asked her to make coffee. Mary complains to an EEO Counselor. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Tom should not have asked only Mary to do these things; however, it is solely Mary’s responsibility to ensure her boss treats her fairly.
B. These peripheral requests are not a sufficient basis for a complaint. An EEO complaint must relate to the essential functions of a job.
C. Because of the sexist treatment from her supervisor, Mary may have grounds for a complaint of sex discrimination under Title VII.✅
D. Because her peers were not asked to do the menial tasks, Mary may have grounds for a complaint of sex discrimination under the Equal Pay Act.

Question 12. After receiving the Report of Investigation, how many calendar days does the Complainant have to request either an EEOC hearing or a final agency decision?
A. 10 calendar days
B. 15 calendar days
C. 30 calendar days✅
D. 60 calendar days

Question 13. If the Complainant is not satisfied with the results of the final agency decision, then he or she may file a civil action in Federal court. The filing must take place within how many days of receipt of the decision?
A. 15 days
B. 30 days✅
C. 60 days
D. 90 days

Question 14. After receiving a request for a final agency decision, how many days does the agency have to issue its decision?
A. 15 days
B. 30 days
C. 60 days✅
D. 90 days

Question 15. Which of the following is NOT a reasonable accommodation?
A. Exempting an employee with a disability from performing essential functions of the job.✅
B. Providing a modified work schedule structured around an employee’s physical therapy.
C. Construct a wheelchair ramp to accommodate an employee in a wheelchair.
D. Providing a large-screen computer monitor for a visually impaired employee.

Question 16. Which of the following is an example of discrimination under Title VII?
A. Discrimination on the basis of physical or mental impairment.
B. Discrimination based on unequal pay.
C. Discrimination on the basis of race or national origin.✅
D. Discrimination on the basis of age.

Question 17. Cathy, a supervisor, asked Bob, one of her employees, to go out with her on several occasions. Each time, Bob refused. When training opportunities became available, Bob requested training. Although other employees were allowed to take training, Cathy refused to approve Bob’s request. The actions on the part of Cathy, the supervisor, may constitute sexual harassment.
A. True✅
B. False

Question 18. The No FEAR Act protects employees from:
A. Racial harassment.
B. Age discrimination.
C. Reprisal discrimination.✅
D. Sexual harassment.

Question 19. While deployed to a disaster operations center, an employee informs a supervisor that they have a medical condition and requires some sort of adjustment to their normal work routine. What should the supervisor do?
A. Determine if there is something you can do to provide accommodation. Contact the deployed✅ Equal Rights Officer or the Disability Employment Program Manager at HQ.
B. Explain to the employee that you are not prepared to discuss such information and tell the employee to go somewhere else.
C. Recommend that the employee meet with the FCO to discuss the matter further.
D. Explain to the employee that you have the same medical condition, and you do not require any accommodations, so you
do not believe they need one either.

Question 20. After a complaint is investigated, the Complainant may either request a final agency decision or:
A. Refile a formal complaint.
B. Appeal to the EEOC for reconsideration.
C. Participate in counseling with an EEO Counselor.
D. Request an EEOC hearing and decision.✅

Question 21. If an employee at Headquarters feels that he or she has been discriminated against, he or she should inform:
A. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
B. The Office of Equal Rights.✅
C. All co-workers in his or her work unit.
D. His or her immediate supervisor.

Question 22. During the informal stage of the EEO complaint process, the Complainant may opt to use EEO counseling or he or she may:
A. File a formal complaint with the EEOC.
B. Bring the case before an Administrative Judge.
C. Hire a lawyer and sue FEMA in Federal court.
D. Use Alternative Dispute Resolution if it is offered.✅

Question 23. Who is responsible for issuing decisions on EEO complaints?
A. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
B. Administrative Judge✅
C. ADR Specialist
D. EEO Officer

Question 24. Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act requires Federal agencies to:
A. Accommodate the religious practices of employees and prospective employees unless it would pose an undue hardship on the employer.
B. Provide comparable access to and use of information and services for people with and without disabilities.✅
C. Pay women and men comparable wages for work performed that is of similar skill, effort, and responsibility.
D. Post on their public Web sites statistical data relating to EEO complaints filed against the Agency.

Question 25. EEO Counselors are responsible for assisting employees who allege they have been discriminated against, helping employees and supervisors resolve potential EEO matters, and:
A. Deciding if an EEO claim is valid based on EEO laws and regulations.✅
B. Notifying supervisors if their employees are being discriminated against.
C. Serving as a neutral party during the EEO complaint process.
D. Helping a supervisor determine if someone is the most qualified person for a job.

Question 26. _____ on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, or genetic information is illegal.
A. Harassment✅
B. Mentoring
C. Accommodation
D. Networking

Other recurring FEMA courses

These courses currently have a “calendar-year” extension to allow FEMA staff to retake the course as a recurring requirement.