[22 Test Answers] IS-253B: Overview of FEMA’s Environmental and Historic Preservation Review

Here are the test answers to IS-253: Overview of FEMA's Environmental and Historic Preservation Review.

Overview: The FEMA IS-253.B course was published on Dec. 12, 2023 to provide an overview of the agency’s environmental and historic preservation compliance responsibilities.

Primary audience: FEMA IS-253.B is for Emergency Management and must achieve a minimum passing score of 75% on final knowledge assessments or demonstrate mastery on performance assessments or research assignments to earn the IACET CEU.

FEMA IS-234.B test answers

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Question 1. Which of the following statements about Categorical Exclusions (CATEXs) is true?
A. CATEX takes much longer than Environmental Assessments (EAs) or Environmental Impact Statements (EISs).
B. Prior to applying a CATEX to a project, a public review period is required to approve the use of the CATEX.
C. Projects receiving a CATEX are given a Notice of Intent (NOI) of FEMA’s intent to begin an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
D. CATEX is the least complex level of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review.

Question 2. A Scope of Work (SOW) describes a project engaging in debris operations in an area that is designated as a critical habitat for a species covered by the Endangered Species Act (ESA). A consultation with which federal agencies is likely required?
A. National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) or United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
B. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
C. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) or Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
D. National Park Service (NPS) or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS)

Question 3. What is the most likely reason a project would require a full NHPA Section 106 consultation?
A. The project’s actions are determined to adversely impact historic properties.
B. The SOW is incomplete but includes a historic property in or potentially in the National Register.
C. FEMA was unable to enter into a programmatic agreement with the project Applicant.
D. The Applicant did not complete the Section 106 process.

Question 4. Complete the following statement: (i)______ and (ii)______ define the entire project and National Environmental Act (NEPA) review process.
A. (i) Laws; (ii) Executive Orders (EOs)
B. (i) Purpose; (ii) need
C. (i) Scope of Work (SOW); (2) Categorical Exclusions (CATEXs)
D. (i) Cost; (ii) protections

Question 5. The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) applies to which of the following?
A. All Public Assistance (PA) projects
B. All Federal recovery projects in urban areas
C. All projects for which the Environmental Protection Agency has management authority
D. Large, complex contaminated sites that may require extensive clean-up and site remediation

Question 6. Which of the following accurately projects and descriptions would most likely require review under Executive Order (EO) 13112: Invasive Species?
A. Updating a storm drain resulting in the temporary displacement of the local sea otter population
B. New construction that would likely result in additional Bald and Golden Eagle nests in the area
C. Vegetative debris removal that has the potential to spread kudzu, a plant labeled as an invasive species
D. Tree clearing that will impact temporary nesting places of migratory birds

Question 7. Which of the following project descriptions is most likely to require additional review under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA)?
A. A debris removal project in a previously dredged commercial harbor
B. A project constructing new stormwater outfalls in a non-tidal river.
C. A restoration project in a tidal marsh which may inadvertently disturb local marine life
D. A coastal water project which is in an area uninhabited by marine mammals

Question 8. Floodplain Management (EO 11988) and Protection of Wetlands (EO 11990) are both examples of what?
A. Laws that tend to require permits to ensure projects are compliant
B. Executive Orders that tend to require internal review and conditioning to ensure projects are compliant
C. Laws that tend to require internal review and conditioning to ensure projects are compliant
D. Orders that always require both permitting and FEMA EHP compliance reviews.

Question 9. The use of programmatic agreements for Section 106 requires which of the following?
A. A prolonged timeframe
B. A well-defined SOW
C. Categorical Exclusions (CATEXs)
D. Committed funding from a state

Question 10. The National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) requires which of the following?
A. Consider the effect of an undertaking on any historic property
B. No changes be made to historic properties
C. Routinely identify all properties older than 75 years old
D. Remove historic properties from floodplains

Question 11. Which of the following most accurately describes the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA)?
A. It applies to any federal action affecting land, water use, or natural resources of the coastal zone.
B. It reduces uncontrolled coastal development by ensuring that Federal activities in the coastal zone are in compliance.
C. It protects ecologically sensitive and geographically vulnerable barrier islands along the East Coast, Gulf Coast, Great Lakes, US Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico.
D. It provides a separate process for federal and state expenditures.

Question 12. Which statement most accurately describes the difference between endangered and threatened species as defined by the Endangered Species Act (ESA)?
A. Endangered plant and animal species are covered by the ESA; threatened species are covered by other Executive Orders (EOs) but not the ESA.
B. Endangered species are animals and plants in danger of extinction; threatened species are animals and plants likely to become endangered.
C. FEMA actions possibly involving animal and plant species designated as endangered require review under the ESA; actions possibly involving threatened species only require public notice.
D. FEMA actions involving endangered species require review if they involve a critical habitat; actions involving threatened species require review only if they involve Bald or Golden eagles.

Question 13. What additional information, from the choices below, is needed to make this SOW more complete? The Applicant will provide repairs at FEMA Drive (38.8857961, -77.0212263) to restore the warehouse at this location back to its pre-disaster design, function, and capacity. The warehouse was originally constructed in 2003. The repair will require removing and replacing 620 FT x 20 FT aluminum roofing panels. The total cost of work to be completed will be $12,345.67.
A. Completed Statutory Exclusion (STATEX) determination
B. Contact information for the Applicant
C. Supporting graphics such as photos of the warehouse
D. Potential reimbursement amount from any insurance coverage

Question 14. What is the role of programmatic agreements in the Section 106 review process?
A. They eliminate state/tribal liability for work in or around a historic site.
B. They define the Statutory Exclusions applicable under NEPA.
C. They provide a way for FEMA to hand off Section 106 approval to state, local, territorial, and tribal (SLTT) governments.
D. They replace the Section 106 process with a streamlined review process.

Question 15. EHP is reviewing a project that involves flood-proofing existing facilities and upgrading existing drainage systems. This work would support which FEMA mission?
A. Recovery
B. Mitigation
C. Protection
D. Response

Question 16. What is one (1) of the primary goals of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)?
A. Ensure that the agency will provide an opportunity for public involvement into the decision-making process
B. To assist states and their residents after emergencies and major disasters
C. To reduce the amount of pollution through changes in production, operation and use of resources
D. To prevent any human impact on the environment

Question 17. Which of the following is an example of a location that might be included on the National Register?
A. Dam
B. Orchard
C. Skyscraper
D. A memorial plaque

Question 18. What is the first step of the 8-step decision-making process for floodplains and wetlands Executive Orders (EOs)?
A. Identify impacts
B. Determine if the proposed action occurs in a floodplain or wetland
C. Publish early public notice
D. Minimize adverse impacts

Question 19. What best describes one of the assurances of the NEPA review process to federal projects?
A. NEPA ensures all FEMA projects are completed in the same way.
B. NEPA ensures that final project plans do no harm to the environment.
C. NEPA ensures consideration of alternatives to proposed projects.
D. NEPA ensures that cost does not determine how projects are done.

Question 20. A Scope of Work (SOW) describes a project located in a Designated Wild and Scenic River that requires additional review under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (WSRA). Which of the following names two (2) agencies with whom FEMA will coordinate to ensure compliance with the WSRA?
A. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS)
B. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and US Forest Service (USFS)
C. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and National Park Service (NPS)
D. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Question 21. Which of the following correctly orders the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Levels of Review from least complex to most complex?

Question 22. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for issuing permits under the Clean Water Act (CWA). Which two agencies may be delegated authority by the EPA to issue CWA permits?
A. FEMA and Bureau of Land Management
B. State water-control agencies and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
C. State water-quality agencies and FEMA
D. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

FEMA foundational courses